可口可樂12個用途This list of uses was tested on ordinary, original Coca Cola, not thediet kind, or any of the variations there are available.為製作本列表所做的實驗都是基於最普通、原味的可口可樂; 不是低糖健怡可樂,也不是其他新品種。Put Coke into flat wide dishes in the garden and it will help to rid your plants 代償of slugs. They are attracted by the sweet smell and oncethey fall in,  they can’t get out.把一個倒滿可樂的盤子放在花園裡可以驅除植物上的蟲子。 這些蟲子喜歡甜甜的味道, 一旦他們接觸到可樂,他們就插翅難飛了。Cleaned a burned saucepan by pouring Coke into it and boiling. This takes out all the staining.將可樂倒烤肉入燒熱的平底鍋中並煮沸,可以去除所有的汙漬。It’s easy to make a modern photograph look like an old sepia one. Just lightly brush the photograph with Coca Cola and dry quickly. Don’t wet it too much or it will buckle. Photocopied black and white pictures make great looking “antique” prints, if you treat them in 關鍵字排名the same way. Maps photocopied and treated this way, look fantastic in antique style frames. 要將一個現代照片弄成老照片那種深褐色的樣子其實很簡單, 只要用刷子輕輕的把可口可樂刷在照片表面並讓它迅速乾燥即可。 注意不要弄得太濕,否則照片會變形。同樣道理, 黑白照片如果也用可樂這樣處理就會更像“骨灰級”的老照片了。 地圖借貸用同樣方法也會看上去古典別致。If you dye your hair and the result is too intense, flat Coca Colawill help to lighten it. 如果你染完發發現顏色太深了,沒氣的可樂能幫你把它變淡。Give old coins a soak in Coke. This gives a brilliant shine forcollections and decorative items.將舊硬幣浸入可樂裡能讓它們變得閃閃發光、更買屋網加適合收藏和裝飾。Pour Coca Cola into your kettle and leave all day. This will removelimescale and leaves it clean inside.把可口可樂倒入壺裡靜置一天可以去除污垢,讓壺內膽一塵不染。A can of Coke poured into the toilet will clean it. The acid in th! e drink gets to work right away.倒一罐可樂到馬桶裡可以當清潔劑用,房屋二胎可樂裡的酸會馬上起作用。Make an excellent barbecue sauce by mixing Coke and Ketchup , half and  half.  Coat chicken, meat, etc with this before cooking. It’s mouthwatering.把可樂和番茄醬一比一混合在一起可以做出非常美味的燒烤醬, 在燒烤前將其塗在雞肉和牛肉上簡直是人間美味,讓人垂涎。Flat Coke makes a 膠原蛋白good hair conditioner. Pour it over your hair, rinse and dry.沒氣的可樂是很好的護發素,把它倒在你的頭上,衝洗並擦乾, 你的頭髮會煥然一新。Rusty bolts can be loosened by soaking a rag in Coca Cola, andwrapping it around the bolt. Leave for a few hours and it will beeasier to move.如果碰到一個生鏽的螺栓很難撚開, 我婚禮顧問們可以用一個浸過可樂的布包住螺栓,等幾個小時之後, 螺絲自然而然就會方便轉開了。 Clean your jewelery in a glass of Coke. Brush with a toothbrush andrinse  well. (Not recommended for valuable items, or those with gemstones in them.)你用一杯可樂洗洗你的珠寶,用牙刷輕輕地在表面抹後衝洗乾淨。( 貴重物品或鑲嵌寶石新成屋的東西建議不要用可樂洗) Flat Coca Cola helps to settle upset stomachs. Don’t use fresh, fizzyCoke as this could irritate the condition. (Take the fizz out byadding a little salt, if you need to.)沒氣的可口可樂能治療胃部不適,但不能喝新鮮有氣的可樂, 因為這樣的話病情反而會加重。(如果需要的話, 可以加一點鹽讓可情趣用品樂裡的氣跑出來)

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